Introduce someone in a short video. Upload to YouTube and send to the address in the video with “Video Challenge 4” in the subject.
YouTube blocked?Video Transcript:
Rachel’s English community, it’s your first challenge of 2016. Will you do it?
I love challenges. You guys rock my world. It is so fun getting all of your videos and putting them together in one long string of awesomeness.
What is a challenge? A challenge is when you make me a video practicing your English. You’ll upload it to YouTube. Make sure that it is either “unlisted” or “public”. If it’s “private,” then I can’t see it. Send me the link to this email address and put ‘Video Challenge 4’ in the subject.
Okay, that’s the challenge, but what’s the topic? This topic is going to be a little harder than past challenges because it involves someone else. This video challenge is: introduce me to someone in your life. If you’re not sure where to start, here is a sample of an introduction.
>> Hey Hilah, this is my boyfriend David.
>> Hi David.
>> Hey.
>> I’m Hilah.
>> Nice to meet you.
>> Nice to meet you.
>> Hilah, I did the program in LA with.
>> Yes.
And guys, make sure you tell the person what it’s for. Get his or her permission before you put the video on YouTube because I am also going to put it on YouTube. So make sure that the person you’re introducing is okay with that. I’m so excited to meet the people in your lives. For example, “Hey Rachel, this is my brother John, and he teaches high school Spanish.” Or, “this is my friend Maria, and we love to go hiking together.” It can be that short and that simple, or you can make it a little bit longer.
Are you up for the challenge? I hope so! Make sure to get it to me by the deadline in order for me to put it in my compilation video, which I love to do. If you need some inspiration, here are some clips from past video challenges. So get your cameras ready, people! I will see you soon.
That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.
Watch everyone’s videos from previous challenges here. Don’t feel like it? No problem. Check out this video on introducing yourself to someone, or this video on introducing someone to someone else.