In this video, I assist my non-native friend in mastering the V sound. Observe his progress and try adopting his approach.
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Video Transcript:
In this video, I’m working with my friend from Turkey on the vv, V sound: ‘…the most beloved king ever’ Ok, beloved. ‘Beloved’. Ok, it’s another V. ‘Beloved.’ Good, one more time, and just make it a little bit longer. ‘Beloved.’ I didn’t hear it at all that time. ‘Beloved.’ Vv, belo-vv-ed. ‘Beloved.’ Ok. ‘Beloved.’ Good.
Here, he mispronounces the V as a W, which I have previously noted in another blog entry. When lips do this, it’s not a V. The lips must do this: vv, vv. ‘…must have been…’ Have. ‘Have been very beautiful…very.’ Very. ‘Very’. Yes! ‘Very beautiful…’
Here in the word “carved,” he stops his sound in the middle: carbed, carbed, it almost sounds like a B. Carbed. Car-vv-ed, carved. ‘…delicately carved as if…’ I didn’t hear the V, carved. ‘Carved.’ Umm-hmm.
Here in the word “every,” he pronounces the V sort of as a mix between a W and an R, and his lips take this position. E-r-y, E-r-y. Vv, vv. It’s really all about the lip position in this sound: e-vv-ry. “ …still as perfect in every detail as – as if they were new.’ I liked your “as if” but I didn’t hear the e-vv-ry. Every detail. ‘Every detail as if they were new.’ I still don’t hear a V. I hear a stop of the sound. ‘Every’, etc.
Here in the word “of,” he started to move his lip up into the correct position, but he stopped making sound with his vocal cords. If he had continued to pass air, it would have sounded like a ff, F. But he did not even do that. He didn’t continue to pass air, and he didn’t continue to make sound with his vocal cords, which meant that the sound just kind of tapered off at the end of the word: o… Of – vv. Very important to keep making sound here. ‘…of printing…’ Of. ‘Of printing-‘ So, vv.
There’s a vv. Of. ‘Again?’ Of. ‘Of’ (etc.). Of -vv. Not o-ff, o-vv. Here again his habit showed of not bringing the lip up. He was making more of a bb or pp form with his lips. Vv. ‘…movable type…’ Move. You hate V’s. Do you have a V in Turkish? ‘Yeah.’ You do? ‘Yeah, we have.’ But it’s different somehow. ‘It’s vey, not vv.’ Umm-hmm, ok. Movable. ‘Movable.’ Vv. ‘Movable.’ Yeah. ‘Movable.’ Good!
Here again the lips came into this position. The correct position of course is. So it’s important to note, when you’re making the V correctly, you will always see some teeth. ‘ …whose achievements…’ Achievements. ‘Achievements.’ Achievement, vv, vv. ‘Achievements.’ Mm-hmm. Vv, vv, vv. Achievements. Movable. Carved. Every. Vv, vv.
As I noted in the blog F and V practice, this vv sound in word sometimes is extremely short, but it is very important to make sure you keep producing sound here with the cords and that you bring your lip up. Even if it’s just for a very brief uh, uh. As long as you have the lip coming up and the vocal cords making sound, you’ll be good.