Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Today we discuss the kinds of resolutions we make, and discuss tips on how to keep them. Learn what a SMART goal is, and learn the idioms and interesting vocabulary words we use when speaking: ‘to be on to something’, ‘flip on its head’, ‘just in the nick of time’, ‘down to the wire’, ‘went by the wayside’, and more!
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Show Notes:
- David makes them almost every year (he doesn’t keep them)
- Goals for more consistency on things we already do
- What if we looked at WHY we haven’t achieved what we want to achieve and problem solve that to keep our resolutions?
- Phrase ‘to be on to something’
- SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
- What is an acronym?
- Making an end-of-year goal
- Rachel’s end-of-year-goal is to take piano lessons
- What does ‘flip on its head’ mean?
- ‘Just in the nick of time’, ‘down to the wire’, when time ‘runs out’
- Music lessons
- Eliot’s resolution to run a half marathon
- The phrase ‘went by the wayside’
- Broad Street Run in Philadelphia
- What is a ‘bib’?
- Rachel’s resolution is to WATCH a marathon (not run one!)
- Rachel’s cousin’s family’s New Year’s resolutions (the splits!)
- What is a Sharpie?
- What is the fate of the podcast? We won’t be recording more in January, and we’re not sure if/when we’ll record again!
- Wishing you the best in 2018!