There is more than one way that you can pronounce this letter combination; the most common is [kw]. Learn more about the possibilities in this video.
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Video Transcript:
You may have noticed that there are different pronunciations for the letters QU. Most common is the kk [k] ww [w] sounds I put together as in ‘quick’ or ‘question’. However, there are three other sounds. For example, it can make the kk sound without the W sound: for example, the word antique. Antique ends with the kk sound. Other examples: liquor, critique, unique, mosquito, baroque. ‘The antique chest of drawers if from the Baroque period.’
There are certain cases where the letters QUE make the kei sound. That is, the kk consonant sound followed by the ‘ay’ as in ‘say’ diphthong [eɪ]. Examples: applique and bouquet. ‘He bought me the most lovely bouquet of flowers.’ And finally, there is just one word that fits this case, as far as I can find, and that is the word bar-b-que. Here, the QUE is pronounced kjoo: that is the kk consonant sound with the ‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong [ju]. ‘I love bar-b-que chicken and baked beans.’