In this Rachel’s English video challenge, make a short video telling me how and where you first started studying English.
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Hey everyone! It’s time for another English video challenge! How brave are you feeling? I miss you guys I haven’t heard from you since March. I think I’m going to start doing four challenges a year so I get to see you and know more of you. It’s time for all of you wonderful, amazing, awesome English speakers to make me a short video in English.
This time, the topic is how and where did you first study English? Did a parent teach you? Did you learn in school? Did you study on your own from books or a podcast? Make a video of yourself just a couple of sentences and let me know practice your English then I’ll take all your videos and put them into one big video here on my channel.
Those videos are so fun because we all get to see and learn so much about others in this Rachel’s English community. You are not out there alone. If this is your first time thinking about it and you want some inspiration, you can see all of these other challenge videos that people have made in the past. They’re really good!
And when you’re done getting your inspiration and you think ‘yes I want to do this’, this is what to do. Step one, record a video. Keep it on a short side. There’ll be an order from shortest to longest in my video. Please don’t add any music to it. That might be a copyright issue. Or also don’t add any video that’s not yours. Step 2, post to YouTube.
It’s okay if you make it unlisted but make sure it’s not private. Step 3, email it to me at this address by June 23rd 2017. If it comes in after that, it probably won’t go in my video. And that’s it! How and where did you first study English? Easy! Thanks in advance to everyone who makes a video like this. It brightens my day! That’s it and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English!