This is your last chance to join the Academy at its current price. Watch this video for everything you need to know.
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Video Text:
If you feel at all like your ability to speak English is holding you back, is keeping you from your goals, I’m going to help you with that. In my online school, we have training to help you think in English. To help you understand Americans and TV without subtitles. To reduce your accent, if that’s one of your goals. All with the best materials in the safest, most motivating environment.
And in just a few days, the price of my academy is going up. And I want to make sure that you get in before that happens. Because when you sign up, you lock in your price forever.
You’ll want to join my academy if your goal is to feel more confident speaking English. Whether that’s getting a better handle on the American English sounds, the American rhythm or that lower placement of American English.
I have over 150 pronunciation analysis videos like this one and they really transform how my students hear English. And that is the basis of real change. You’ll train your voice in speaking the best English you can no matter what your native language is. The thing you get in my academy which you won’t get anywhere else in a subscription like this is real personal feedback from actual humans. Not only do we have the best materials to train with and the best method to use for that training, but we have a team of standout teachers highly trained in my method giving precise clear feedback to guide students towards more natural English. We spend months training our teachers, we really invest in them because we think they are the best out there. And my students that take advantage of this feedback are the ones that progress the most.
Let me introduce you to Chao, native language, Mandarin. She’s an extremely dedicated student who has an amazing command of spoken English. She sounds so natural, so at ease speaking English. Her dedication, mixed with our materials, methods and teachers have yielded serious results.
Okay, you sound amazing Chao, I’ve got to say you sound really working hard, posting to the group, getting feedback, I’ve got to say, it seems like it’s paid off.
Yeah, I really feel that way. I’ve been recommending to a lot of friends, they’ve been noticing that, Oh, I think you’re speaking better, more natural and stuff like that.
When other people notice my student’s improvement, it’s the absolute best. She sounded so good, I wanted to ask her about her practice habits. You guys, it’s not that much. You also can to this.
You just sound absolutely amazing, your hard work has totally paid off.
Can I ask you a question? How much time on average would you say, you’ve spend working on your accent?
I think every day, 10 minutes.
Oh, that is not much guys! That is not much. I was thinking you might say like a half hour or an hour but it’s the consistency of doing it every day, yeah. Well, Chao, I think you are an inspiration to a lot of students, you just sound absolutely fantastic.
I appreciate that, I always think you as an inspiration for us. Thank you so much Rachel.
And I always think you guys are because you’re actually out there doing the work so you sound just amazing, I see Jambo here is commenting “10 minutes a day!” He can’t believe it.
Come train with me in my academy, join Chao and thousands of other students who have felt and lived the benefit. The thing is it’s a long game. You have to change your habit in your body so you speak English effortlessly without having to think about it, all your thoughts can go to what you want to say, not how to say it but that kind of habit does take time.
I’m not offering a quick fix but do you have a little time you can spend each day on transforming yourself? What would you be able to achieve if your speaking goals were met?
If you put your time, that most precious resource into the academy, I guarantee, you’ll get results. We’re so confident that we gladly offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to anyone who tries the academy and decides it’s not the right place for them.
This is my student Meggy. I got to work with her on my monthly live classes, got to know her, she sounds just fantastic and this is what she has to say about the results she’s gotten from her work in the academy.
I just got back from a book festival in London and people kept thinking I was either American or Canadian. Met amazing American friends so it was a nice victory. It really boosts my confidence and I love to have proof that it’s working.
You rock Meggy.
I really believe in this. I believe in the power of the academy, in the expertise of my teachers, I’ve spent 13 years learning by teaching students like you, the best way to get results, and it all comes down to the idea of how you spend your time. A little time learning, a lot of time training and a little time getting feedback. My students agree.
Daniel posted to our community group, “This approach to improve pronunciation is more than I was expecting to find.”
The academy offers a study then get feedback hybrid that is so important for real change.
Have you ever heard the term “flipped classroom”? Our setup capitalizes on that. A flipped classroom is one where you don’t learn from a teacher, you learn the concept on your own then you practice with a teacher. It’s easy to learn from video and we have over 500 in the academy. These are videos you can’t get on Youtube, Facebook or anywhere else. They’re focused lessons just for academy members. You can watch them slowed down or at a faster pace than normal as many times as you want. Then we give you all the training materials you could ever need. We make sure you know the right method for using them. Audio training, play it, say it, you train your ear, you train your body, you train your voice. Then, that precious teacher time is used just in personalized feedback for you. That’s how we’re able to deliver such amazing change priced way below private lessons. We have the best teachers. Our student Romain said it well.
I don’t know Rachel if you’ve trained your teachers but the ones in the academy are awesome. They are dedicated and know exactly what we need to focus on, they speak very well and motivate us all the time. I keep a nice body resonance and feel my speech overall has improved. I still have so much to work on but now I’m confident.
That is excellent.
A month in the academy, the learning and training you do there, the personal feedback you get from a teacher is more useful and will transform your spoken English more than an hour of private accent coaching and yet, a month in the academy costs about a third of a one-hour lesson even after our price increase in a few days. The work and responsibility lays on your shoulders. You put in the time, we guide and support you, you will get the results. Let’s say you’re working on a few vowels. You watch the videos, you train with the audio, you work for maybe a week then you post to the community group. In a day or two, one of our teachers gives video feedback just for you. If there’s something you need to tweak, you’ll understand what it is. Maybe a change in tongue position is needed or a shift in your core sound or maybe you need to simplify and bring in more relaxation. You’ll be able to watch the video that the teacher made for you as many times as you want to fully absorb the advice and direction.
This is a real student who posted a conversation she’s been working on to the community group. Out teacher Alicia commented and gave her feedback but not just a few words of text. An actual video, where she goes through the conversation and gives specific tweaks and tips.
Okay, good. I’m getting rid of every, that was really smooth and connected and the sounds were really natural.
The students who take advantage of this community really flourish. Now, why is the price going up? We add new content every month so the value of what you get keeps increasing also, we just gave all our teachers a raise. We think they are amazing and we think they’re an important part of our student’s success. But remember, when you sign up as long as you keep your subscription, your price will never go up. You are locked in. You’ve already seen a bit of the community and the incredible teacher feedback you can get, let me show you a little bit of what you can work with and train with on a daily basis.
Each conversation study has a lesson that goes with it that goes over vocabulary words, phrasal verbs and idioms used in the conversation. These exercises are amazing at helping students with listening comprehension and sounding natural. What makes the academy different is we don’t just stop with the video with the learning. We go further with training so what you learn actually become a habit which is absolutely necessary for speaking English. Think of Rachel’s English Academy as your gym. I give you the method, materials, guidance and support and you work out every day with the audio. For example, when you study a conversation in a Ben Franklin analysis video, your next lesson is a sound board. Here, you work and train just like a musician would work over and over on a difficult passage or the way an athlete would use repetition like a tennis player, practicing the motion of the serve over and over. There are many different male and female voices to work with the academy and each soundboard has audio at regular pace and slow motion.
Had you met her before?
I had a specific method that my students use to work with the sound boards and I’ve seen it happen over and over. They get better using this method without any feedback from me. They’re in the academy doing it, practicing, training and it transforms their accent.
Listen to what my student Sophie had to say about this.
It’s like, It’s like learning how to swim. You know, before this academy, I only learned the theories, you know, how to move arms, how to move your legs, but I never dive into the water. But, since I started to study in this academy, I feel like my body is learning, you know. I’m learning in the water, I’m actually doing it and I love that aspect. I think the results is quite quick, you know, my family, friends already saw some difference, you know, in my speaking and I’m really glad.
So jump in, move your body, build your habits. You can’t change your accent with knowledge, it has to also be regular training. In addition to the several conversation study courses, we of course, have courses on the sounds of American English. This include videos, hundreds of words to work with to train your ear and your body in producing the right sounds. We have a lot of audio training to compare similar sounds so you’ll finally be able to not only distinguish similar sounds, but say them natively.
My student Karen recently posted: Rachel’s academy is a pronunciation dictionary aka treasure box to me. Whenever I have doubts and questions, it’s always the best place for me to look for an answer.
The average student stays in the academy six months. If you sign up now before the price increase to $37 a month, you’ll save $60 or 27 percent over a six-month period. If you know you’ll stay longer and you want an annual subscription, you save even more, get in now at $259 a year before the price goes up to $355.
And don’t forget, as always, we do offer a 30-day money back guarantee, just email us within 30 days of starting your subscription letting us know it isn’t working for you and we’ll cancel your membership and give you a full refund.
If you have any questions, pop them in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you and more importantly, I’d love to have you as my student. Be sure to sign up before Sunday to get locked in to the current low price of $27 a month or to save even more, $259 a year.
Join students like Jane who said: Once I started Rachel’s English Academy, I began to receive regular feedback from teachers. They respond to my videos with concrete examples of what needs to be tweaked in order to make my speech sound more American. By watching other student’s videos and by analyzing the feedback posted by the instructors to these students, you can learn too.
Don’t wait until after the price goes up, join now!
That’s it and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.