Study real life conversation and notice word stress in two-syllable words. You’ll also get to see a lovely American wedding, out in the cornfields of Indiana.
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By: Rachel's English
Study real life conversation and notice word stress in two-syllable words. You’ll also get to see a lovely American wedding, out in the cornfields of Indiana.
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Video Transcript:
In this American English pronunciation video, I’m not going to teach you anything about pronunciation.This year for Christmas, I’ve come to my parents house in Florida. This is where I grew up. Here is our beautiful tree. Let me show you some of my favorite ornaments.
This ornament is one that I gave my mother when I was probably about 7. Um, no one in my family is blonde, I don’t think I even had any blond friends, and I certainly didn’t have a mint green jump suit, but something about this ornament called to me, and so I purchased it for her.
This is my mother’s favorite ornament. Many, many years ago. As I grew up in Florida, not terribly far from Disney World, it’s fitting that we have a Mickey ornament.
Now, I said I wasn’t going to teach you anything about pronunciation, but there’s one thing I can’t resist. Did you notice how I said Florida, Florida. I’m from Florida, and that’s how I say that phrase, Florida, Florida. A lot of people will pronounce that with a third syllable in there. That’s ok, Florida, Florida. Must make sure you don’t pronounce it Florida, ee, ee, ee, we don’t want that ee vowel in that middle, unaccented syllable. Either Florida or Florida, Florida.
Silent Night, holy night.
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon virgin, mother and child.
Holy infant, so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
From my family to you and yours, happy holidays, and have a great 2013.
That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.
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